Working Title films is a British film production company that was founded in 1983 by Sarah Radclyffe and Tim Bevan. However in 1992, Radclyffe decided to leave and was replaced by an independant film producer called Eric Fellner. The company's headquarters is based in Marylebone in London, England, but also works from Ireland and Los Angeles. It has been responsible for producing some of Britain's most successful modern films, such as Notting Hill, Bridget Jones' Diary and Shaun of The Dead.
Three films that working title have made in the past five years are;
- Atonement, which is a romantic war film released in 2007, directed by Joe Wright and starring Keira Knightly, James McAvoy and Saoirse Ronan. The film made $129,266,061 from a budget of $30 million.
- Paul, which is a science fiction comedy released in 2010, directed by Greg Mottola and starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and the voice of Seth Rogen. The film made $97,552,050 from a budget of $40 million
- State of Play, which is a political thriller, directed by Kevin Macdonald and starring Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck and Rachael McAdams. The film made $91,445,389 from a budget of $60 million.
SOund research - Working Title make a good case study and we will look at them in greater detail as the term progresses.